Build #48 Ghost Minnow

Today’s build “Ghost Minnow” features Boss Swim Jig #B91. Skirt build 2 tabs #208 and 1/2 tab #446. Trailer is a #2034 V&M J-Bug color-white pearl. It’s that easy!

Products Used in this Build

Product: LIVING IMAGE Ghost Minnow (SKU: 208, quantity: 2.0)
Price: $4.50 ($2.25 each)
[custom_add_to_cart id="79924" size="medium" quantity="2.0" show_price="false"]

Product: blue lavender 446 (SKU: 446, quantity: 1/2)
Price: $1.80 ($1.80 each)
[custom_add_to_cart id="80023" size="medium" quantity="1/2" show_price="false"]

Product: V&M J-Bug White Pearl 8pk (SKU: 2034, quantity: 1)
Price: $5.00 ($5.00 each)
[custom_add_to_cart id="80498" size="medium" quantity="1" show_price="false"]

Product: skirt making tool (SKU: 590, quantity: 1)
Price: $4.00 ($4.00 each)
[custom_add_to_cart id="81703" size="medium" quantity="1" show_price="false"]

Product: amber bands 100 pack (SKU: 584, quantity: 1)
Price: $2.00 ($2.00 each)
[custom_add_to_cart id="81706" size="medium" quantity="1" show_price="false"]