LIVING IMAGE Lightning Bug


A toned down version of Living Image with only three bands of chartreuse. Living Image Lightning Bug is made up of Dark Green Pumpkin (219), Green Pumpkin Pepper (148), and Bright Yellow Chartreuse Orange Crystal (035), covered with black barbed wire print throughout in a repeating stripe pattern. 22 strands per tab. 10 tabs per pack

Pack Size SKU Price Quantity Add-To-Cart
10 Pack 287-10 $2.43
100 Pack 287-100 $17.6
SKU: 287 Categories: ,


A toned down version of Living Image with only three bands of chartreuse. Living Image Lightning Bug is made up of Dark Green Pumpkin (219), Green Pumpkin Pepper (148), and Bright Yellow Chartreuse Orange Crystal (035), covered with black barbed wire print throughout in a repeating stripe pattern. 22 strands per tab. 10 tabs per pack